Wednesday, April 10, 2013

I have a stove similar to this one at home that we rescued from a building that was being torn down.  Bless my husband he spent days cleaning it for me.

 I absolutely love cooking on my gas stove!  

This one is sweet and clean as a whistle.  Can't you just smell the pot roast cooking?  Or my Aunt Francie's Lasagna, yum!

How about some Copper-ware to go with the fancy Kitchy Kitchen stuff!  Sparkling Clean.

Or some cookbooks.  

Never have too many of those.  

I especially love the books that were used, with the sticky pages with Grandma's suggestion of a pinch of this or that written into the margin.  Oatmeal cookies anyone?
Can you tell I'm hungry?

Let's wash it all down with a good cup of herbal tea.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Over the Easter Weekend we had several of our dealers rework their booths with lots of yummy items.  Check out what's in the "Love It Again" booth.  

Lots of vintage Bar Ware

Shaken....Not Stirred!

Check out the Crooners in the background.

Swizzle it!

Also restocked, booth LJC23 on the 2nd Floor

A Different type of Bar Ware

 Never have enough cameras in the house.


Do you suppose it played the Donna Reed Show???  
Our Donna Reid likes to think so!

Gardening plans yet?
I can't wait to get digging!

Naughty little boy.  Did you notice he is pinching her bottom?