Saturday, April 17, 2010

IT's the Car Show!! Here we have the Beech Boys playing in front of our shop. They will be playing all day.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Saturday April 17th is Selma's Classic Car and Antique Show. Outdoors from 10a.m until.....

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Don is up and back on the bike again. The leg has healed nicely and he's back at work. He still comes in to help out now and then. Thank you to all of you who have been asking about him. He's doing just fine.

We are Open on Sundays again. After taking a much needed rest we are back to 7 days a week here at Reid. Come on in!

Pollen. Everywhere the blurried eye can see. As an upper Canadian, I've got to admit that this beats out the snow that's still on the ground back home. My American home has given me a lot to be thankful for. I'll take the pollen and love it!

Here's a nifty Refinishing Trick I got from one of our fellow antique dealers.

Emery Boards - You know they just rip your fingernails when you use them, so find a softer file for your fingernails and use the emery board to sand furniture. It is always hard to get into the small crevices of legs or other parts of furniture you may be refinishing. Use the emery board to get into those small places. It is stiffer than regular sand paper and usually has two textures.
(And, in case you are wondering....Charles Hester did get elected our Mayor again. He's doing a wonderful job. Thanks for the emery boards!)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Selma's Antique Car Classic comes to town Saturday April 17th. They usually park the Chevy's in front of my shop. Yum!

This year they will also have booths on Railroad Street selling Antiques. Come on out for the day and have some family fun from 10 a.m. until....
Flamingos anyone??? Husband and wife team up at Reid's. Linda and Jimmy have multiple booths of anituqes. They collect, well....just about anything! Flamingos, quilts, tools, plants and dogs, Terriers to be exact, 3.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Beautiful Easter. The flowers are blooming and the Guys are ready to cart out the stock!